The revolution begins: a juxtaposition of chaos and structure

The Psychedelic Diaries

The search for quiet in chaos

The Dopamine Diaries

A 30 day journey of self-discovery

The Quarantine Diaries

The evolution of the human psyche in the midst of a global pandemic

Inside my head

At a loss of words, I play a record and let the feeling guide me

Other works


March 2020 was an incredibly powerful month in more ways than one. I was unsure how to create while locked in my apartment with limited access to materials, funds, and space. May 2020 marked the end of a creative period, the very last of my works on an actual canvas before I eventually transitioned to smaller sized works on paper.

I became more mindful of my limitations and found new ways to create while using the materials I already had at hand. I am incredibly grateful for the shift. I look back to the days I could get my hands on any material I wanted and spend weeks at a time on a single piece. All those things that mattered back in January or February seem like nothing but a faded memory. The mediums changed and so did the inspiration.